Lab Members

Current team

Research Associates

Meiou Dai, Ph.D.

Meiou Dai, Ph.D.

Education : PhD in Experimental Medicine, University of McGill, Canada.

Current research : Genome-wide CRISPR/CAS9 loss-of-function screening for new cancer drug target discovery and biomarkers of drug resistance.

Ni Wang, Ph.D.

Ni Wang, Ph.D.

  • Education : PhD.
  • Current research : My research focuses on pre-clinic experiments to investigate human cancerous processes and mechanisms by using immunodeficient laboratory mouse models (breast cancer, pancreas cancer, lung and liver metastases, etc.) in order to explore and develop novel therapies for cancer treatment.

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Jun Tian, Ph.D.

Jun Tian, Ph.D.

Education: Ph.D. in Experimental Medicine, McGill University

Current research: Investigation of the role of COX-2 and its associated genes in BCSC-mediated tumor metastasis and drug resistance.

Dr Yun Wang

Dr Yun Wang

Studying synthetic lethality's in triple negative breast cancer

Dr Ting Ye

Dr Ting Ye

Graduate Students

Sophie Poulet, Ph.D. Candidate

Sophie Poulet, Ph.D. Candidate

  • Education : B.Sc. in Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Université de Montréal.
  • Current research : Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of a certain TGFb-mediated microRNA found to be upregulated in triple negative breast cancer. This is being tested in vitro as well as in vivo using CRISPR/Cas technology.
Julien Boudreault, Ph.D. Candidate

Julien Boudreault, Ph.D. Candidate

Education : M.Sc. in Molecular Biology at the University of Sherbrooke.

Current Research : The production of genetically modified cancer cell lines using the CRISPR technology and the cytotoxic study of kinase inhibitors in breast cancer.

Gang Yan, Ph.D. candidate

Gang Yan, Ph.D. candidate

Education : B.Sc. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Northeast Agricultural University, China.

Current research : Utilizing genome-wide Crispr/Cas9 screen based on paclitaxel to identify key genetic mutations responsible for paclitaxel resistance in triple negative breast cancer.

Yi-Ching Tsai, MSc candidate

Yi-Ching Tsai, MSc candidate

Defining the role of CDK6 and DNA repair pathways in tumorigenesis and identify CDK4/6-dependent synthetic lethal vulnerabilities in triple negative breast cancer.

Amina Laham, PhD candidate

Amina Laham, PhD candidate

PhD project proposal: The role of Dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A) in DNA homologous recombination repair and response of cancer cells to chemotherapy

Research Assistants

Girija Daliah

Girija Daliah

Education : Diploma in Biotechnology, Algonquin College, Canada


Veronica Atehortua

Veronica Atehortua

Program Assistant, Cancer Research Program (CRP)